Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Is pain really harmful??

since a long time i have been wondering what is pain and what meaning does it own in my life?
my answer keeps changing except one factor that pain is temporary.
pain comes and goes, testing your weakness and your strenghts. im at a point in life where im a firm believer that pain is actually good for you, everytime your smashed by pain, it makes you stronger and it doesnt hit that hard next time. emotional pain is one of the most common occuring emotion in a mans life, you find it waiting for you at every other corner of life, hiding to trap you in its darkness. but have you ever felt that pain makes you stronger and more aware of yourself?
pain also makes us thankful for a phenomena we tend to ignore, the ability to forget. stop and think, if you were never to forget pain and it would be a constant companion,by your side all the time, just growing and growing. suppose, you could never forget the pain of losing your bestfriend,being cheated by someone you trusted,losing love, failing and lastly disapointment, the worst being the one from yourself. how would you feel?
so i learnt as i grew older that pain is good for us,it makes us stronger,more resistant,teaches us patience,exposes us to reality and gives us the mental tools to protect ourselves the next time we are an aim of piercing pain. the challenges we face as a victim of pain usually helps us became better friends with the person we know the most ,"yourself".
lastly pain teaches us to appreciate pleasure!
so if you tap into your past experiences of pain,do you think theyve made you stronger or weaker as a person??


Aleena said...

I agree with you.. Pain is important.. Pain helps you grow.. It shows you the importance of life.. It makes you look within yourself.. But pain.. well it hurts!!

Unknown said...

You know what they say ... suffering builds character!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I agree with the point. Pain is temporary, but quitting lasts forever.. as Lance Armstrong says..

aimen said...

its nice to see a fresh and different perspective on pain but i feel that you've attributed all that to pain which should instead be attributes to the concept of experience.when you look at the larger picture, it's actually the idea of going through something (good or bad) that makes you discover yourself and not pain(which, in effect, falls into the broader heading of experience). suffering from pain is definitely not a pre-requisite for getting to know yourself better but yes, it does teach you to appreciate pleasure.. on the whole though, i like the optimism..cheers!

Falak Hyat said...

Thankyou for reflecting back on what ive written, i completely agree to the perspective you gave back,it is sometimes about the good or bad.however someone great said "the true colours of the tea leaves are shown under hot water"! :). you know your weaknessess and strength when painfull challenges come by! massive cheers to you man!:)

Unknown said...

everybody keeps saying that we shud experience pain so that we become stronger individuals..STRONG enuf to face life...or to rephrase it, NUMB enuf to face the harshness life brings with it...
...i think too much pain and as suffering makes you numb and i dont think numbness shud be termed has strength..
perhaps,thts how man reconciles with his pain...saying that "it has made me STRONGER"....because maybe thats all he is left with to say ...